Thank you for supporting students at DMC

We invite you to invest in our mission of equipping minds and nurturing hearts to impact the world for Christ. DMC is a community of generous families who together invest in projects of all sizes to benefit our school.

Impact Tomorrow Today (ITT) is a five-year campaign that began in July of 2020 to provide for the current and future needs of our school. The ITT campaign includes the following five giving categories: Lion Fund, capital projects, endowment, tuition assistance, and debt retirement.  

Give Today

ITT Giving Categories 

Debt Retirement/Faculty $2.5M (Funded)

The quality of our programming begins with faculty who are passionate about learning and about guiding students to find their God-given purpose. Once our debt is retired, the $550,000 currently allocated for annual debt service will be used for faculty compensation.

Capital Projects $12.3M

The DMC campus is a place for educational and spiritual formation. The capital portion of the Impact Tomorrow Today campaign includes renovating existing spaces and adding new spaces in the middle school and high school to maximize the use of our campus.  

At DMC students learn they are uniquely created in the image of God; these news spaces allow the experiences to happen.  The new space has additional STEAM offerings as well as business and technology labs.

Our students are called to be the light of the world. The new 300-seat Chapel will cultivate that identity through large group studies, engaging speakers and events. Enhanced spaces lead to stronger mission delivery.

New and Renovated Spaces 

The Lion Fund $6.7M

One of the giving priorities of the ITT campaign is the Lion Fund. This fund supports the continued enhancement of our academic and co-curricular programs and demonstrates community support of our school’s mission. All donations to the Lion Fund provide immediate resources that directly impact student life now.

  • Unrestricted gifts to the Lion Fund allow DMC to make immediate investments in the student experience. Unrestricted gifts give the most flexibility to accelerate plans for programming, classroom updates, and meeting unexpected expenses such as emergency tuition assistance.

  • Restricted gifts are accepted when they align with our mission and Strategic Plan. Restricted gifts can include full funding of larger projects or support for experiences like mission trips.

Tuition Assistance $3M

Tuition assistance programs provide financial accessibility for families of many income levels. Our school is responsible for fundraising a portion of the Heart of Iowa School Tuition Organization’s funds every calendar year. These gifts allow us to provide needs-based tuition assistance to many of our middle-income, multi-student families.

Endowment and Planned Giving $5M

To provide financial stability for generations to come, the ITT campaign established DMC's endowment. Generally gifts to the endowment are unrestricted; however, DMC will accept restricted gifts when they align with our mission and strategic plans. The General Endowment Fund Prospectus and Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund Prospectus outline the administrative terms of the funds. 


Campaign Progress




Julia Veenstra

Head of Advancement
(515) 252-2495

 Angela Kruse

Director of Development
(515) 252-2497 

Jill Van Houweling

Director of Planned Giving
(469) 955-9512